The Re-branding of Gezondd

Project Gezondd mockup
Brand Strategy
Brand ID creation
UX / UI Design
Webflow Development
My Role
Graduate intern
Multi-disciplinary Designer
Front-end Developer
"The re-branding of an organisational healthcare consultancy group by unifying the companies within the Oude Gracht Groep Holding under one single brand identity named Gezondd."
Project Overview
For the completion of my studies Communication & Multimedia Design, I finalised my graduation internship at the Oude Gracht Group. This is an organisational consultancy that is currently based in Utrecht. Their services are implemented in a wide range of markets and sectors, such as Healthcare, Government, Finance & Social Security. The OGG focuses strongly on the field of occupational health care with a large number of subsidiaries. Through close cooperation between the subsidiary companies, the OGG provides extra added value compared to its competitors.
Project challenge
The OGG has asked me to help them bring insight and create an approach for the positioning of these cooperating subsidiaries under one brand name and identity in the market.

My activities during this project where orientated around market research, facilitating workshops with key stakeholders, brainstorming sessions with employees and stakeholders with the aim of defining a new brand identity, developing a brand identity and direction, design & development of the new website and its testing and validation.
Problem Definition
"Due to a lack of clarity within the organisation, it failed to establish a strong uniform digital brand identity in order to be represented correctly, which resulted in the inability to reach the target group and hindered the acquisition of new clients and doctors.”
Concepting phase
The multimedia concept I developed for Gezondd formed the foundation for the further project direction and definition of subsequent developments, such as the formation of the brand identity and website. The concept is based on the findings and conclusions of market research, interviews, discussions, workshops, and Guiding Principles.

Before I started the conceptual phase, I established Guiding Principles also emerged out of the preceding research findings. They are intended to provide guidelines for what the elaboration of concepts and designs must meet at a minimum.
The ultimate concept that Gezondd will use to position itself is: "Innovative in the Top Tier".

This concept particularly aligns with the core values of Professionalism & Quality that Gezondd has established. The emotions and associations that will be targeted with this concept are: Trust, Authority, Assurance, and Innovation. The concept emphasizes the fact that Gezondd can provide high-quality services and demonstrates that Gezondd possesses a wealth of expertise and experience. Additionally, it taps into the observation that many companies within the market segment in which Gezondd operates have outdated digital identities and lack innovation. By emphasizing a more modern appearance, Gezondd will be helped to adopt a more distinctive market positioning.